Susan K Macias

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What To Do About Refugees

Photo: Ben White/ CAFOD, October 2015

The refugee policy. Loud, accusing, opposing voices are crescendo-ing about its flaws versus its virtues.  I hear such opposite evaluations of what the actual policy involves, and the effect it will have, that I find it confusing.

What I don't find confusing are the pictures of people fleeing for their lives. How hard is life to climb aboard a straining raft with your children and head into the Mediterranean Sea?

What is the responsibility of our country to respond? And what is the responsibility of our government to the safety of its own citizens? Because these are terrorists from the countries involved that want to get in our country.

What is confusing, saddening, and frustrating is the arguing of the American people.

On one side, the safety of the country is paraded about, while the true plight of these refugees is ignored.

On the other side the intense hatred of President Trump colors every negative commentary. The vitriol makes it difficult to find the logic.

Is it possible to desire safety and try to help at the same time? As I have avoided the mine field of this issue, I have been convicted of my own inactivity. So here is my two cents of advice.

If You Hate the Policy

Here is what you can do if you detest the policy. You can help the refugees.

There are numerous agencies and ministries on the ground offering help and they need your money. I am not being facetious. I am being honest. 

Quit complaining about what the government is NOT doing, and do something yourself. The government is the slowest, most expensive, least efficient answer to EVERY PROBLEM. Your dollars will go much farther than the government's because they will not be hindered by bureaucracy. 

Here is a link to an article with an extensive list of groups that need your money:

Be the answer, not the complainer.

If You Applaud the Policy

Here is what you can do if you are glad there are more restrictions. You can help the refugees.

There are numerous agencies and ministries on the ground offering help and they need your money. Applauding increased security does not release you from responsibility for your fellow man.

Quit living in your protective bubble and recognize the intense human drama taking place on the other side of the world. We need to do for them what we would need them to do for us. We need to offer material help in the name of Jesus.

Ministries are able to share the word of Jesus with people who may have never had the opportunity to hear it before. But they need our money to continue.

Here is a link to an article with an extensive list of groups that need your money:

Be the answer, not the ignore-er.

Here's The Deal

If everybody would spend half the time DOING SOMETHING REAL, as they are spending complaining or applauding the policy, there would be a much smaller refugee problem.

Instead of sharing angry words about how horrible the problem is, share details for how others can help.

Instead of defending a policy you probably don't fully understand, share a link to a ministry that needs help.

The problem is not with the government. The problem is with us.

And we are making the problem worse as we argue across social media. It makes us feel like we are doing something. But in reality, it is no different than playing a video game. It is virtual. It is fake. It produces nothing.

I, for one, will be inactive no longer (and posting on Facebook IS being inactive!)

Come one Americans. Let's spread a word that helps. We can do better than this.