77. Hospitality and Mentorship. Interview with Sue Donalson

Episode 77

Sue Donaldson

Speaker, author, Sue Donaldson and her husband, Mark, live in San Luis Obispo, California. Sue taught high school English, part of the time in Brazil with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She and her husband, Mark, have raised 3 daughters who keep them at the bank and on their knees. Sue loves connecting people to one another, to God, and to His Word, and has been speaking for the last 20 years or so with long pauses for babies, diapers and soccer pasta parties. She blogs at WelcomeHeart: Knowing and Showing the Heart of God and hosts a weekly podcast: WELCOME HEART: Living a Legacy Life

Show Notes

Sue Donaldson takes two of the most intimidating actions that we know we SHOULD do, and makes them totally doable. Sue share great reasons why we should open our homes to hospitality and then give practical steps for how. In the same way she will help you see how you can and should become a mentor to the younger women around you.

Links for Sue:

Podcast: Welcome Heart: Living A Legacy Life

Website: welcomeheart.com

Books: Books and Products


Planner: Hospitality Made Simple Planner

Article: A Simple 4-Week Plan For Simplifying Hospitality

Susan Macias1 Comment