28. The Opportunity of the Empty Nest

Episode 28

What new places of opportunity are available in our empty nests? I think that now is the time to follow the dreams Jesus planted in our hearts long ago. What is the Lord calling you to? What dusty dreams are wanting to be fulfilled? What opportunities does your empty nest afford you?


Show Notes

I think it's easy to feel weary on this other side of kids. Why? Because we worked so hard! Raising kids is no joke.

If I start asking, “When is it my turn?” I fall down the black hole of selfishness. 

Gal 6:9-10 - And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Now is NOT the time to give up!

I stayed in my nest for years- incubating my eggs. Those weren’t wasted years. Life giving years. But Mama birds don’t sit in the nest when it gets empty. Their activity leads to NEW LIFE.

Here’s what Jesus tells His disciples:

  • Matthew 9:37-38 - Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

As we pray for workers, we should also be praying for work! Lord, which field do You want me to go harvest in? Or maybe it’s tilling soil. Or pulling weeds. Or planting seeds. Or breaking up the hard ground that no seed can penetrate.

The nest is our opportunity.

I don’t believe my every desire is from the Lord. But I do think my deep seeded desire that have continued as I’ve studied the Word and prayed through the years and gotten to know Jesus better - THOSE I believe are gifts and callings. 

I couldn’t sit on my eggs, or keep their gaping screeching mouths full AND serve or create like my dreams.

So my dreams marinated and aged and deepened and mellowed. Now, that my nest is empty, I have opportunity to walk out the places Jesus has continued to grow in me.

Here’s my dreams. I tell them to you to give you permission to say your dreams out loud too. Add them in the comments. Tell a friend. Go to my website and find this post under the podcast tab and add a comment there.

There’s something about owning them out loud.

One refinement: I don’t want to advance my own kingdom anymore. I only want each of these things to grow the Kingdom of God. So, here’s some of my dreams:

  • Write novels of the parables.

  • Speak to women. 

  • Keep writing and publishing.

  • Podcast.

My empty (almost) nest now gives me opportunity to  walk in these dreams that have never left me. I’ve wanted desperately to speak and write for years.

I want to add to the material so that women who are searching for just the right thing might find what they need.

I want to work with other women doing the same so I can point ladies to all the resources available.

I want to be a small part of calling the great host of women announcing the Lord by answering whatever call He gives them.

Psalm 68:11 - The Lord gives the word; the women who announce the news are a great host:

What are your dreams? What has the Lord been sweetly calling you to? It’s not too late. It’s never been needed more. Take the dreams and give them to Jesus. Ask Him to refine and direct toward the Kingdom. Then take off and fly.

Your empty nest is your place of opportunity and a platform of ministry

Susan MaciasComment