Podcasts On Prayer

Prayer matters and is the most important action we can take for our adult kids’ lives. Take a listen to this series and learn to pray with power for your kids!


Episode 22

Called To Pray

What is your second half calling? Even if you don't know yet, I can guarantee there is one thing you are absolutely called to do. As women who love Jesus and love our families we must figure out how to effectively and consistently pray. How can you move from thinking about prayer to actually praying?


Episode 23

How To Pray For The Impossible

What do you do when faced with a situation you know you should pray about, but it seems too impossible? Even for Jesus! Here are six practical and scriptural steps to take to pray confidently and effectively for those impossible problems in our life.


Episode 24

The Secret Sauce of Powerful Prayer

How do we deal with defeat and discouragement? What is the one ingredient that transforms our prayers and our hearts? It really is possible! Today's episode dives deep into how the worrying, discouraged Mom can pray powerfully and get her joy back.


Episode 25

5 Prayers For Adult Kids

No matter their age, our kids need our prayers. But what do we pray for exactly? Do you need help with praying for your kids? Then come take a listen and find our about a free resource to help you pray with power.

Pray With Power!

Susan MaciasComment