514 - Finding Your Passion in the Empty Nest. Ruthie Gray

Episode 514

Ruthie Gray

Ruthie Gray is a wife, Gigi, empty nester, and content marketing coach for Christian creatives, specializing Instagram and newsletter growth. Her hobbies include Florida beach walks, RV-ing with hubby, and reading historical fiction. Ruthie is the founder of Authentic Online Marketing School, and podcasts at Authentic Online Marketing (so easy, your mom – or Carol Brady - can do it). Connect with her on Instagram or her website at authenticonlinemarketing.com.

Ruthies book: https://authenticonlinemarketing.com/book/

Ruthie Gray has used her empty nest years to help others figure out how to use their own well. And now her new book can help you do the same. How does God want to stir passions in you to serve Him exactly where you are now?!

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